In my defense - usually my bonking only occurs on really busy days. Days with 3 workouts, a lot of time spent at work, and somehow me failing to eat as many calories as I'm outputting.
Yesterday I set out on my run after work - a progressive run where I would run the final 20 minutes at 1/2 marathon pace. I took a gel with me (progress no?!!) to eat midway into the run. The only problem was about 5 minutes into the run I needed the gel. Uh oh, not a good sign. I slammed my gel and tried to figure out where else I could grab some calories to save my run.
Then it hit me . . . the trail I was running on goes past the Four Seasons golf course where they put out cookies for the golfers! I slipped in the gate and immediately saw the spotlight from heaven shining down on them - a stack of chocolate chip cookies piled high on a linen covered table. Sitting beside them - ice cold water with lemon floating on top.

Apparently it works well. I pushed the pace the entire way back to work. A big thanks to the Four Seasons cookie baker for saving my run. And the man dressed in linen for not asking questions as to why the sweaty girl stopped for cookies!