Friday, December 9, 2011


Because I am on an endless mission to pretend I am still 12 on a daily basis, yesterday was a pretty awesome day for me. A huge thank you to Wilma for hooking Steven and I up with Disneyland park hopper tickets. I can't think of a better way to spend a day in December. A few (or a lot) of pics...

I have no idea who this character is, but he is awesome. And was one of the few characters that didn't have a line four miles long to get a photo with...

My all time favorite ride in life.

We went on the swings multiple times.

This is a horrible pic, but the monster ride was awesome.

Mickey mouse shaped ice cream on a stick!!!!!!! With Chocolate!!!!

World's largest wooden bear. I think.

Mr. Toad. agreed to pose with me outside of his Wild Ride...


