Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I get asked a lot how I balance working two jobs (racing pro full time and selling microscopes) as well as fitting in friends, family, life, etc.

To tell you I have it figured out, or that it is easy would be a huge lie. But there are a couple of things I try to remember when cramming everything in....
  • Friends & family are #1 (this usually means my house is not clean.)
  • Let things go. Sometimes the to-do list must wait. A long time.
  • I try not to miss out on life experiences. Make them work.
  • Time management. Learn this. 
  • I am not wonder woman. There are days I can not do it all. And I need to ask for help.
  • I love what I am doing & also clearly understand my big picture goals. If I didn't, when it got tough, I'm certain I would stop.
  • I make lists. Lots of lists.
  • I chose to do everything I am doing. Nobody is forcing me to race pro.
Thank you Polkka Jam for the awesome balancing coffee cups illustration!

A lot of working moms, dads and busy people sign up for Ironman every year. What are your tips for balancing professional and personal life along with training?