The first was blah, but it always is - something about shocking that heart into beating faster, getting the legs fired up, etc. The first set of anything I ever do never feels great. On the 2nd repeat I started to think the workout was going to be tough when I still couldn't get my heart rate up - AT ALL. Maybe I needed calories? I ate some shot bloks. Part way into the 3rd set the desire to lay down on the curb and go to sleep or either die was all consuming and I knew it was time to turn around and go back to work.

I made it home and flopped on the couch for an hour before all our friends started showing up for our New Year's get together. Advil kicked in and I felt better, until about 11 when I faded quickly and fell asleep by the fire. A series of pictures ensued where Steven was trying to put a cat toy in my mouth (sorry, they were all taken on friends cameras and I don't possess them yet . . .) I did wake up for New Years in time to enjoy some fireworks!
Today was going to be a full day of getting things done - finishing a painting project, training, saving the world, etc. It's turned into more of a day sitting on my arse doing nothing. But that's probably what my body needs, so I'm going to let the other stuff wait. In fact, I'm getting sleepy again, so I might just have to go take another nap. Happy New Year everyone!!