Saturday dawned rainy and dreary, which actually made me almost happy I was sick - prohibiting what would have otherwise been a long, wet, bike ride. Instead, Steven and I headed up to Julian for some winter weather.

When we lived in CT we had a past-time of frequenting antique shops. Julian has a few, so we decided to stop in and see what treasures we could find. Steven fell in love with this lamp. I couldn't stop laughing at the shade on it. I should note that he loved the fact that it has a second bulb below the shade that you can turn on, not necessarily the shade itself. We didn't go home with the lamp, but in hindsight perhaps we should have, as it most definitely would have added a dose of daily laughter if permanently added to our decor.

The Charger game get-together took place at Jeffrey's house last night. He was kind enough to get me what he thought was a veggie pizza, since I don't eat meat. Turns out it was a veggie "supreme" pizza. Key word here is "supreme" which apparently means "all things meat". He painstakingly removed all the meat from my veggie pizza onto his newly improved "meat lovers" pizza.