For my friends who come over and are offered a Coke and then told "sorry we have no ice, Charisa used it all this morning" I'm really sorry about this. Brian has discussed purchasing a commercial sized ice maker and I am 100% on board for his purchase! I'm still pretty sure it might take a LONG time to make it economical though . . .

Peppermint green tea, bath full of ice and I hop in.
Heart rate is 64 pre-polar-entrance.

After my legs were refreshed I went outside and noticed this:

Back in November I had spent a Sunday pretending I was Martha Stewart. I planted some bulbs and various other flowers around our yard. And voila! What do you know - I must have done something right - because they are starting to bloom! And I know - I'm completely spoiled with our warm weather. I enjoyed it this weekend for all of you in cold, snowy places - all of it, on the ride yesterday, my run by the coast today, and noticing the flowers start to bloom in January!