I'm a big fan of the Mini Cooper. I don't own one, but this past year I tried to get on the list of people who get to drive the electric mini for a year. Turns out it was too expensive for me. Ask any of my riding friends - anytime a Mini goes by I say something such as "ohhhhhh, fun!" or "Awwwww racing stripes!" as if each Mini I have ever seen is new and different. In my defense, most of them are. The Royal Mail is celebrating some of its 20th Century British Design Classics with ten different stamps. This of course, is my favorite.This beauty is from Israel.
The colors just make me smile. On the bottom it says:
"The flowers appear on earth, the time of singing has come . . ."
I have never ridden a recumbent bike, but this was the only bike stamp I could find. Netherlands. Never been there, but I like it already seeing as they make a bicycle stamp!