5:52am: flatted
6:04am: flat fixed and inside of tire checked (in dark no less!), put wheel back on bike
6:05am: must have missed something in tire, wheel flats while putting it back on bike
6:06am: may have said something out loud at this point, to no one in particular
6:07am: pull out cell phone to place "call of shame" to Steven
6:08am: remember Steven turns phone off while sleeping
6:09am: consider walking remaining 2 miles to swim, but realize I will then be stuck at pool, with wet hair, in 36 degrees
6:10am: start walking 1.5 miles home
6:13am: realize walking in bike shoes with tight calves actually helps to stretch them out!
6:14am: find a nickel on the ground (significance of this)
6:20am: watch sunrise to nice clip-cloppy tune of my feet
6:27am: watch street sweeper pass me and find this oddly hilarious, seeing as our timing was slightly off this morning
6:34am: arrive home and discover my "nickel" is no more than a circular metal hole punch from a construction site
6:36am: fix flat again, still don't find anything in tire, but this time it works
6:45am: decide since I missed the swim I will eat some waffles instead
And I still would not give up bike commuting after this morning's adventure.

Illustration by Max Dalton, who has crossed the Patagonia on a bike with a friend! (I am jealous!)
Check out more of Max's work here.
Check out more of Max's work here.