What bike-commuting girl doesn't need one of these?! HELLLLLLO fun! A nice fixed gear to make me strong (or embarrassed when I realize I can't climb the hill by my office in one gear and have to walk this beauty up.) And could the cup holder be any better? Upright to keep my java from spilling all over! I could have used those rain fenders the last few days during our most recent monsoon. . . I ended up taking a 2-day break from bike-commuting due to our rain storm. Anywhere else in the US and every TV station would not have referred to it as "Winter Storm Warning" or "The storm of the century", etc. Granted, we did have a lot of flooding and since it hardly ever rains here it also means most people in CA have no clue that you should slow down when driving in rain.
This morning it was still wet out, but not raining, so at 5:30am I hopped on my bike in the dark, cold 40 degree weather (I know, more violins are needed) to ride to the pool. I missed the bike commuting and on the way to work the view was absolutely spectacular: huge puffy white clouds, snow-covered mountains in the background and wet, green hills. Everything had that crisp, clean look and for some reason I just don't think I would have gotten a full appreciation for it had I not been zipping downhill with the cold wind in my face.