I'm now on my 4th consecutive day of bike commuting. The 17” laptop seemed like such a great idea when I purchased it (and I still love using it) but yesterday as I was climbing the hill by work I was wishing I had the tiny Macbook Air instead.
I just cleaned my bike and now we're supposed to have a major rainstorm today. I've decided I'm running home if it is down pouring after work. And if it's still raining in the morning I'll just run back to work again. I don't really mind riding in the rain, I just don't want to re-clean the bike, she's sooooo squeaky clean right now!
This morning I read this article about how NASA is using rubber ducks to track currents in the melting Greenland ice flows. This is seriously awesome! Apparently there isn't much money for global warming experiments in Greenland. I love creative thinking!
Oh, and if you find one of the rubber ducks and email the contact info written on the duck you get a reward. Doubtful one will wash up in Carlsbad, but hey - you never know!
I think this image of a Greenland ice flow is absolutely beautiful! (2002 Image courtesy of Roger Braithwaite, University of Manchester, UK).