Several friends raced IM AZ yesterday and as I've mentioned before, my friends and I take cheering seriously. The day started early and we brought along Super Dog to help us cheer. I'm pretty certain super dog is now our cheering mascot and must travel to all races with our group of friends. Not sure how we will get him to Kona though.
We came prepared with several large posters of our friends from "back-in-the-day" just to remind them of how much faster (and more stylish) they are now.
And a successful day it was!!! My coach Dirkinator busted out a 9:35 after a 14-year hiatus from racing. He won his age group and will be in Kona next year. Allan took over 30 minutes off his previous PR for a 10:04 and 9th in his age group! Unfortunately we couldn't convince any of the 7 guys ahead of him to give up their coveted Kona slots. I'm so proud of both of these guys - they gave 110% yesterday and had really awesome races.