Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Little Things

This week I'm slammed at work. Maybe because I was gone for a while, or people just need microscopes right now. It's good for job security, so no complaining. Fitting training around the work requires a bit of extra time creativity skills I suppose. When my days fill up with endless to-do lists and extra blah-blah-blah there are some little things that make the day more pleasant.
  1. At Peet's today when I asked what a Cafe Freddo Extra Bold was, the barrista smiled and said "oh, that my friend has 3 extra shots in it." with a smile that just gleamed of pure coffee love. (I opted for the standard one for fear of my normal decaf-drinking-self being slightly too excited about microscopes while talking with customers back at work.)
  2. Cold water with ice cubes that clink against the glass.
  3. Gummy vitamins.
  4. Finishing a run completely dripping in sweat with that legs-tired-but-good feeling.
  5. Brand new foam rollers.
  6. Watching the other guy who also bike commutes to work go by my window every morning.
  7. Stripes.
  8. Making someone laugh.
  9. I googled "hill image" today and this goat popped up. It made me laugh.

#10 was left blank on purpose - I want to know the little things that make you happy.