Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cookies, Bikes and Coffee

Our friend Keit came to train with Ian and I this weekend. He also brought with him Bree's famous carob-macademia nut-coffee cookie recipe.

Not only can Ian ride a bike insanely fast, he can bake.

 All good, because we can EAT.

We were matching twins on our ride today. Bike intervals were on the schedule and the boys were nice enough to give me a head start and let me try to hold them off as long as possible. The workout seemed oh-so-short compared to normal weekend rides.

So we decided to ride a little further down the coast to Pannikin for some rare sit-and-enjoy-the-coffee time. We are happy to have Kevin back riding with us again after his sidelining back injury.

Tonight is a tempo run, followed by cookies I'm sure.