I felt good on the bike yesterday. I actually got my heart rate up for once and kept it there. And it was windy. Last year I thought it was windy and it wasn't - it was just because I'd never done Hawaii before. Yesterday, it was windy. And I was happy because I wasn't scared like last year. I was pushed across the road and had to lean sideways, but it was kind of an adventure.
I got up to Hawi and saw my friends (best cheering crew ever!), threw my bottles (because I get new ones at special needs) and go to get my special needs: And no special needs bag. "#1587" I yelled this lots as if it would made my bag appear. Volunteers scrambled "sorry, it's not here." OH NO (except replace "no" with swear words). I do NOT like Gatorade Endurance, it makes my stomach feel sick.
Plus I was really looking forward to this PBJ sandwich I'd put in the bag. I leave special needs area with nothing but a little water on my bike. I envision my entire race falling apart and then decide that won't happen and I'll make gatorade work.

So I did some very elementary math in my head and determined I was going to be close to breaking 6 hrs on the bike - that had been my goal. After the race I found out my bike split: 6:00:01. REALLY!? How does this happen? Oh well, 23 minutes faster than last year and in a windier year, so I'm happy with this.

Up Palani and out onto the Queen K and my stomach starts to feel sloshy. Oh joy! I take some coke - my stomach is more unhappy. I stop at the bathroom then down some TUMS. Mmmm, much better. Right around this time the clouds rolled in and it started to cool off - OH SO NICE!
Running out to the energy lab is just boring - nobody really wants to talk at this point and it's just lava to look at. I kept looking at the sun. NO SUNSET this year while running! A couple people had my same cool Alii shoes on, so I chatted with them "Hey nice shoes." "Oh thanks," then they would laugh when they realize I have the same ones. My run special needs bag did make it and I grabbed my GU - oh fun, new flavors! Back out the energy lab, stomach gets upset again - dangit! I stop at the bathroom and this time have to wait for someone. Feel much better, and back out to repass everyone that just passed me while waiting for bathroom. My marathon split of 3:31 was an IM PR for me and I accomplished my "qualify for Boston" goal.

So my other goal had been to come in around 10:45 (well, that was a
secondary goal to trying to PR and go sub 10:35, but I figured in Kona that might be a long shot depending on the wind - so after the bike I figured that might not happen.) And I got really close once again: 10:46:03. REALLY?! 3 seconds?! haha!
It was a great race. This picture at the right kind of shows it all - I am HAPPY with all of it. I learned if your bike special needs bag isn't there it'll still work out. TUMS rock when you start to feel sick. And I really do love this sport.